Mental Health Medication Review 

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Personal Details
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Personal Alcohol Consumption

Audit Score Result

You have a score of 

If you are drinking less than 14 units of alcohol per week, then your drinking is within the UK Chief Medical Officers' low risk drinking guidelines.

But if you are drinking regularly at or above the low risk guidelines of 14 units a week, or, you are drinking six or more units - if you are female - or eight or more units - if you are male - in one single session (binge drinking), please consider the increased serious risks to your health being caused by your current drinking pattern.

Mental Health Medication Review

In order to provide your repeat prescription for mental health medication - antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication please complete this questionnaire

If you have answered NO to the questions above you may require a text, telephone or face to face appointment.  Our reception team will be in contact with you if this is the case.

If you answered Yes to any of these questions you may require a text, telephone or face to face appointment.  Our reception team will be in contact with you if this is the case.

If No appointment is required your medication can be reauthorised for 12 months - or until the next birthday review.

Privacy Consent

This form collects personal and medical informanot tion about you. We use this information to allow the practice team to contact you. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.


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